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Level 4: Adding State to Our Components Using Hooks


Until now, we are able to split up our code into multiple components, which can either be static or functional elements. But as our components will just be rendered once so far, it's not possible to really interact with those components.

In this level, we are going to explore how we can store data inside a component and re-render the component automatically once that data changes. This will allow us to interact with the component and return results which depend on previous executions of it, meaning that the functions of our components become stateful.

To do so, we are going to look at the concept of Hooks in this level. SuiWeb comes with two hooks, namely useState and useEffect, which are both also available in React with almost the same syntax. Note that React includes various additional hooks, which are not implemented in SuiWeb to keep things simple. Having seen and understood the two hooks implemented in SuiWeb, however, should give you good understanding of how the concept generally works, which is the goal of SuiWeb after all.

With that, let's look at demo we have for this level on what we want to achieve.


We create two components for the demo of this level. When we render it, we can see a h1 title, a text field and a button. The title displays what is currently written to the text field, and updates automatically as soon as the text in the text field changes. The button shows how many times it has been clicked, and updates every time it is clicked.

Here is the source code of our index.js for the current level. The contents of index.html remain unchanged.


import { createElement } from '../../lib/js/fiber.js'
import { useEffect, useState } from '../../lib/js/hooks.js'
import { render } from '../../lib/js/render.js'
import { parseSjdon } from '../../lib/js/sjdon.js'

const App = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState('SuiWeb App')
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

() => console.log('First render done'),

() => console.log(`The value of text has changed: ${text}`),

() => console.log('Component was re-rendered')

return [
['h1', text],
[TextField, {text, setText}],
[Counter, {count, setCount}]

const TextField = ({text, setText}) => {
return [
value: text,
oninput: (event) => setText(,

const Counter = ({count, setCount}) => {
return [
{ onclick: () => setCount(count + 1) },
`Clicked ${count} times`

parseSjdon([App], createElement),

Because the title updates automatically as we change the value of the text field, we need some logic that re-renders the component App, if the internal data of the component changes, as we have mentioned in the introduction.

To understand how this is working, we are first going to have a look at how we use the functions provided by SuiWeb to achieve this functionality, and will then dive into how it works under the hood.

Using Hooks

Inside the function (or component) App, we call the useState function (or hook) with an initial value of 'SuiWeb App'. This call returns an array, which we destructure to two constants text and setText. Initially, text has the value 'SuiWeb App', as this is what we passed as the initialValue to useState. setText is a function which we can use to update the value assigned to text and trigger a re-rendering of the component.

Similarly, we call useState once more in the following line, passing 0 as the initial value and storing destructured result in two constants count and setCount.

Going further in the implementation of our App component, we can see three calls of the hook useEffect, which all print some text to the console. If we look at the console, we can see that the text "First render done" is printed only once, after the component App was rendered for the first time. We tell the effect to do so, by defining an empty array ([]) as the second argument when calling useEffect. If you look at the console while altering the text of the text field, you will see that the actions of the second and the third effect are executed every time the text changes. For the second call of useEffect, we set its dependencies (defined in the second argument) to [text]. This means that the action of the effect will execute every time the component re-renders, if the value of text has changed since it last rendered. At our third call to useEffect, we did not set the second parameter, meaning we did not set any dependencies. Because of this, the action of our third effect will be executed on every re-rendering, no matter which value was updated. We can verify this by looking at the console while clicking the counter button: The only text that will be printed is "Component was re-rendered".

Note that the behavior of useEffect is different when not passing anything as its dependencies, vs. passing an empty array ([]): Passing an empty array will execute the action of the effect exactly once, on the initial rendering, while passing nothing (or undefined), will execute the action on every execution of the component. If you think it's a strange decision to differentiate on the behavior like that, well, this is how the useEffect hook of React works, and we wanted ours to work the same way as it does in React.

The App component returns an SJDON structure, with a div at the top level and two child elements: A h1 with the current value of text as its content, the TextField component and the Counter component. We pass an object consisting of our text and setText as the props to our TextField component and one consisting of count and setCount to our Counter component.

The TextField component returns an input, that is wrapped inside a div. If the value of the input changes (oninput), the setText function, which was passed to the component, will be called with the current value of the input.

Things are similar for our Counter component. We return a button with a text that displays the current value of count, that will be passed in the props of the function. When the button is clicked (onclick), we call the setCount function, that was passed via props as well, with the value count + 1.

With that, the components will re-render every time the state of the component changes, which happens by calling the setText or setCount functions. Re-rendering a component basically means executing the function which defines the component, and then updating the existing HTML element which is present in the DOM, to reflect the changes that happened. If we update the value of text using setText, for example, this will run the App function, as this state is defined in the App component. The difference from the first execution of App is that now, useState does not return what is passed as the initialValue, but what was set previously using the setText function. This means that the useState function somehow recognizes that it already has a value for that exact useState call, and returns that, instead of the initial value. This is what makes hooks somehow magic. Now, let's have a look at their implementation to demystify them a bit.

The Hooks Module

To understand how hooks work, we need to revisit the unwrapFunctionalFiber function. So far, we have left away everything inside that function that was related to hooks. Now, we will have a look at the full implementation.

function unwrapFunctionalFiber(fiber: FunctionalFiber, container: HTMLElement, previousVersion?: Fiber) {
// Copy memorizedStates from previousStates, or assign an empty array in case there is none
fiber.memorizedStates = (previousVersion as FunctionalFiber)?.memorizedStates ?? []

// Make fiber ready for hook calls.
prepareToUseHooks(fiber.memorizedStates, () => rerenderFunctionalFiber(fiber, container))

// Unwrap fibers until the fiberFunction returns a StaticFiber.
let unwrappedFiber = fiber.fiberFunction(fiber.functionProps)
while (isFunctionalFiber(unwrappedFiber))
unwrappedFiber = unwrappedFiber.fiberFunction(unwrappedFiber.functionProps)

// Merge all properties of the unwrappedFiber into the functional fiber.
Object.assign(fiber, unwrappedFiber)

In the first line of the function, we can see that the memorizedStates property of the fiber which is unwrapped, is retrieved from the previousVersion's memorizedStates property, in case that exists. Otherwise, it is initialized as an empty array.

The reason why we try to retrieve the value from the previous version is exactly because of what we have discussed before: Re-rendering means re-executing the function that defines a component. If that happens, however, the Fiber will no longer have its memorizedStates array, as initializing this array is not part of the Fiber's fiberFunction, but happens inside unwrapFunctionalFiber, as you have seen before. If we wouldn't copy over the value from the Fiber's previous version, we would initialize an empty array at each execution of the component, meaning that we would lose everything that was previously written to the array. This is why for every render, except of the first one, we will always also pass the previous version of a Functional Fiber to unwrapFunctionalFiber.

Preparing the Use of Hooks

In the following line of unwrapFunctionalFiber, we can see that the function prepareToUseHooks is called. We pass it the memorizedStates array of our fiber and an anonymous (arrow) function, in which will call rerenderFunctionalFiber(fiber, container) once it's executed. We will take a look at renderFunctionalFiber later in this level, for now just know, that we will use it to trigger a re-rendering of the component, once its state has changed.

export function prepareToUseHooks(memorizedStates: unknown[], rerenderFunction: () => void) {
states = memorizedStates
rerender = rerenderFunction
stateIndex = 0

In prepareToUseHooks, we assign the parameters memorizedStates and rerenderFunction to the variables states and rerender, which are defined globally in the hooks module. Additionally, we reset the global variable stateIndex to 0. It might actually seem quite strange that we set those values globally on the hooks module, as we have nothing like an instance of this module. So calling prepareToUseHooks again will overwrite the values we've just set. But this is actually not really a problem, as you will see when we look into the implementations of useState and useEffect, because those global values are just used temporarily.

With those two additions to unwrapFunctionalFiber, we have now covered the full implementation of this function, as the rest of the lines have already been discussed throughout the previous levels.

The useState Hook

Now that we've seen how the use of hooks is being prepared, let's have a look at the implementation of the useState function.

export function useState<T>(initialValue: T): [T, (newValue: T) => void] {
// By assining these variables inside this function, their references are captured.
// This means that when setState is called later, e.g., the capturedStates array
// still has the same reference as it had at the time this function (useState) was called.
const capturedStates = states
const capturedRerender = rerender
const capturedStateIndex = stateIndex

// The current value of the state
const state = (capturedStates[capturedStateIndex] ?? initialValue) as T

// This function updates the values of the states and triggers a re-render of the component.
const setState = (newValue: T) => {
capturedStates[capturedStateIndex] = newValue

// The state index is incremented, so the correct element from the array is taken as the state value.

return [state, setState]

Note the <T> after useState. This means that the function uses a generic type, that we call T. We define that both the parameter initialValue and the parameter of the closure that is returned are of the same type, which we declare by assigning T to both of them. If we later call useState with a number, T will correspond to the type number, if we call useState with a string, T will correspond to string, etc.

In the first three lines, our global variables states, rerender and stateIndex, which we set before in prepareToUseHooks, are now assigned to the local variables capturedStates, capturedRerender and capturedStateIndex. Remember how we previously said that it's not really a problem that those variables are set globally? This is the explanation for it. When a component is rendered, we first call prepareToUseHooks, followed by the fiberFunction, which is stored on the component we are going to render. The calls to useState are defined in the fiberFunction. That means that all useState calls of a component are executed before prepareToUseHooks is called for another component. Thus, the global variables are needed only for a really short time. They allow us to access what was passed to prepareToUseHooks inside useState, without having to pass those values directly to the useState call.

Next, we assign the constant state. For that, we check whether a value inside our capturedStates array exists at the index of captuedStateIndex. Remember that capturedStates is actually just a reference to the memorizedStates array, which belongs to the Fiber for which we define the state. If no value at capturedStateIndex exists in the capturedStates array, we use the initialValue, which was passed to the useState function.

After having retrieved the current state, we define our setState function (also called a closure). It takes one parameter newValue. Inside the function body of setState we capture the variables capturedStates, capturedStateIndex and capturedRenderer. This means that if we will later execute the setState function, the values will still be available inside setState, even though this will be after the useState function has been executed, and thus those variables would normally no longer exist. If you want to read more on closures and capturing variables inside closures, you might find this page interesting.

Following the definition of our setState closure, we increment stateIndex. With that, it will be possible to later read out the current state value from the capturedStates array. This is possible because all useState calls defined in a component will always be called in the same order, thus when a component is re-rendered, useState will be called as many times at it has been called when it was rendered the previous time. And remember that inside prepareToUseHooks, we then reset stateIndex to 0, to make sure that counting up is starting again from 0 for the next component that will be rendered.

Ultimately, we return state and setState in an array. Usually, we use a destructuring assignment to set the returned values of useState to some constants, like we did with text and setText or count and setCount in the example we've looked at in the beginning of this level.

If we later call the closure defined in setState (which we called setText and setCount in the example), what is passed as newValue will be inserted into capturedStates (which still points at the same memorizedStates array inside the FunctionalFiber) at capturedStateIndex. As the state has changed, we should now trigger a re-rendering of the component. For that, we call the capturedRerender function.

Remember that we initially set what's now stored in capturedRerender inside unwrapFunctionalFiber, when we called prepareToUseHooks. If we go back there, we can see that what is going to be executed is rerenderFunctionalFiber(fiber, container).

Re-Rendering Fibers

So it would be good to also look at the implementation of rerenderFunctionalFiber at this point, to understand what actually happens when capturedRerender is executed.

export function rerenderFunctionalFiber(fiber: FunctionalFiber, container: HTMLElement) {
// The previous version is just a copy of the functionalFiber, which should be re-rendered.
// This copy contains all expanded static fibers with their children -
// the whole fiber tree below this functional fiber.
// While rendering, the functional fiber will recompute all its children with the fiberFunction.
// By providing this copy, the previous versions children are still retained and
// can be compared to the new children generated by the fiberFunction.
const previousVersion = { ...fiber }
renderFiber(fiber, container, previousVersion)

As you can see, it's actually just two lines of code, but several lines of comments explaining the first line, in which the previousVersion is determined. If you read through them, it should be clear what is happening. Note that we use the spread syntax, to make sure previousVersion is a new object, and not just a reference to fiber. This would be pointless, as previousVersion and fiber would contain a reference to the same object, which would not help to solve the problem that previousVersion solves.

You might remember that previousVersion was a parameter for a lot of functions (renderFiber, expandChildFibers), we looked at, but we never really used it so far. This will change now. As we have a copy of how the fiber and its children looked like, we can start a re-rendering and compare the newly created fibers (which will probably look different as the state has changed) with the old fibers. We will then only apply the changes to the DOM, instead of removing all contents and adding everything again from scratch.

Now, we will go through the most important functions in the rendering process and see what has to be changed, to work with this new parameter previousVersion. We start with the function renderFiber which is called on the last line of rerenderFunctionalFiber.

Revisiting the renderFiber Function

function renderFiber(fiber: Fiber, container: HTMLElement, previousVersion?: Fiber, nextSibling?: Fiber) {
// If the component is a functional fiber, execute its fiberFunction
// to get the unwrapped StaticFiber properties merged into the same object.
if (isFunctionalFiber(fiber)) unwrapFunctionalFiber(fiber, container, previousVersion)

// After unwrapping, the fiber must contain all properties of a static fiber.
if (!isStaticFiber(fiber)) throw new Error('Fiber did not contain all StaticFiber properties after unwrapping.')

// Determines if the new fiber still has the same type as the old fiber.
const areSameType = fiber && previousVersion && fiber.type === previousVersion.type

// Got a fiber with the same type in the tree, so just update the contents of the DOM node.
if (areSameType) updateFiberInDom(fiber, container, previousVersion, nextSibling)
// The types did not match, create new DOM node and remove previous DOM node.
else replaceFiberInDom(fiber, container, previousVersion, nextSibling)

expandChildFibers(fiber, previousVersion)

You're looking at the almost complete implementation of the function renderFiber. In this version, we compare the types of the previousVersion and the current fiber. If the types match, we actually don't have to remove the old element from the DOM and insert the new element; we can just update its properties.

This is exactly what happens e.g., with the heading in the example. The previousVersion and the current fiber both have the same type (h1), so we just update their properties.

However, if the types do not match, we have to remove the old fiber from the DOM and insert the new one. For this we call the function replaceFiberInDom which we already looked at in first level. If the types match, we call the function updateFiberInDom, at which we're going to take a look now.

The updateFiberInDom function

function updateFiberInDom(fiber: StaticFiber, container: HTMLElement, previousVersion: Fiber, nextSibling?: Fiber) {
// Get DOM node from previous version
const domNode = previousVersion.domNode
if (!domNode) throw new Error('Could not update fiber, previous domNode was not set.')
fiber.domNode = domNode

// Update all props on DOM node
updateDomNode(domNode, previousVersion?.props, fiber.props)

// If the order has changed, the element has to be reinserted at correct position.
// Note that insertBefore takes care of removing the element from the DOM before
// re-inserting it, so it's not needed to remove it manually.
if (nextSibling && domNode.nextSibling !== nextSibling?.domNode) {
container.insertBefore(domNode, nextSibling?.domNode ?? null)

What happens first, is that the reference to the domNode of the previousVersion is copied to the new fiber. If the previousVersion does not have a domNode, something went terribly wrong as this should never happen, so we just throw an error.

Next, we call the function updateDomNode, which we also took a look at in the first level. It will remove all properties from the previousVersion and set all properties of the current fiber on the domNode.

The last lines make sure, that the domNode is still at the correct position. Normally, we don't have to call container.insertBefore again, as the domNode is already rendered in the DOM. But if the order of the elements has changed, we sometimes have to call it again, to ensure to correct order. Note that insertBefore will automatically remove the element from the DOM in case it's already present, and then insert it again at the correct positon.

Revisiting the expandChildFibers Function

Returning to the last line of renderFiber, we see that the call to the function expandChildFibers still stays the same. The only change is that the previousVersion is now no longer undefined. So let's take a look at the updated implementation of expandChildFibers.

function expandChildFibers(fiber: StaticFiber, previousVersion?: Fiber) {
const currentChildren = fiber.children
const previousChildren = previousVersion?.children ?? new Map<string, Fiber>()

// If the domNode of the container is not a HTMLElement, no children can be added to it.
const container = fiber.domNode
if (!container || !isHTMLElement(container)) return

// First, remove all previousChildren from the DOM, which don't exist in the currentChildren.
previousChildren.forEach((previousChild, key) => {
if (currentChildren.get(key) === undefined) previousChild.domNode?.remove()

// Go through all currentChildren and render them to the DOM.
// The previous version is passed to determine the differences between the two versions.
// The nextChildSibling is used to enforce the correct order in the DOM.
// The order is reversed, to determine the nextChildSibling easily (to use insertBefore API).
let nextChildSibling: Fiber | undefined
const reversedChildren = Array.from(currentChildren.entries()).reverse()
reversedChildren.forEach(([key, currentChild]) => {
const previousChild = previousChildren.get(key)
renderFiber(currentChild, container, previousChild, nextChildSibling)
nextChildSibling = currentChild

This function tries to find the correct children from the previousVersion and match them with the children of the current fiber. The children of a fiber are matched via their key in the children map. If no key was explicitly set in the props, the framework just assigns the keys in the order they were in the SJDON array.

First, we go through all the previousVersion's children which don't have a match in the current fiber. This happens with the condition currentChildren.get(key) === undefined. Those children are directly removed from the DOM.

E.g., this would happen when the previousVersions SJDON structure looked something like ['div', ['p', 'first'], ['p', 'second']] and the current version is ['div', ['p', 'first']]. The ['p', 'second'] element does not have a match and is directly removed from the DOM.

In the loop at the end of the function, we go through the children of the currentFiber and recursively call the renderFiber function. But first we try to find the child with the same key from the previousVersion. If it exists, it is passed as the third parameter, otherwise it is undefined.

If the SJDON structure of previousVersion was ['div', ['p', 'first']] and the current version is ['div', ['p', 'FIRST'], ['p', 'SECOND']] the following would happen: For the child ['p', 'FIRST'] there is a match in the previousVersion, namely ['p', 'first'], which will be passed as the previousVersion to the renderFiber function. For the child ['p', 'SECOND'] there is no match, so undefined is passed as the parameter previousVersion (because previousChild.get(key) returns undefined).

That's it, we've discussed the whole re-rendering process of the useState hook. Feel free to go through the steps again, as it was a lot: From the setState function which calls rerenderFunctionalFiber. There, we make use of the parameter previousVersion of the renderFiber function. We're comparing the versions and calling replaceFiberInDom or updateFiberInDom depending on the case. Afterwards, we recursively go through all the children with expandChildFibers.

The useEffect Hook

With that, we can now look into the implementation of the second hook available in SuiWeb, which is useEffect.

export function useEffect(action: () => void, dependencies?: unknown[]) {
let shouldCallAction = false

if (dependencies !== undefined) {
// The state at the current index indicates, whether the first render has
// happend. If this is the first render, the effect should be executed.
const isFirstRender = states[stateIndex] !== true
if (isFirstRender) {
shouldCallAction = true
// `true` indicates, that the first render has happened
states[stateIndex] = true
// After the first-render-check, go to the next state-index
} else {
// There are no dependencies, so the action is called on every render
shouldCallAction = true

dependencies?.forEach(dependency => {
// Check whether the captured value in the hook is different
// from the current value in the dependencies
if (dependency !== states[stateIndex]) {
shouldCallAction = true
states[stateIndex] = dependency

// If any criteria for a re-render is met, run `action`
if (shouldCallAction) setTimeout(action)

For our useEffect hook, we create just one local variable shouldCallAction, with an initial value of false.

Then, we will check if there is something defined for the parameter dependencies (this could also be an empty array []), to get the intended functionality as described in the Using Hooks section of this level. If we have some value assigned for dependencies, we check whether the component has already been rendered once. To do so, we check if the current state (retrieved by accessing the global states array at stateIndex) is not equal to true. In that case, we set shouldCallAction to true, as this matches the criteria that the action of an effect should always be called for the first render. Additionally, we set the states[stateIndex] to true, such that isFirstRender will be false when this hook is executed in the next rendering cycle. Then, we increment stateIndex, as we inserted an extra item in our states array which stores whether the component has already been rendered.

If we haven't defined any dependencies when calling useEffect, shouldCallAction will always be true, and it's therefore also not needed to insert an extra value into states to indicate whether the first rendering of the component has already been done.

Now, we go through all values in dependencies and check, whether their value has changed to what is stored in states[stateIndex]. If this is the case, we set shouldCallAction to true, as if one of its dependency has changed, the action of an effect should be called. Then, we set the value of the current dependency in the loop to our states[stateIndex], which allows detecting if the value of the dependency has changed on subsequent calls to useEffect and increment stateIndex.

In the last line of useEffect, we check if for all the conditions which were checked in the previous lines of the function, shouldCallAction has been set to true anywhere. In that case, action will be executed. Note that we use setTimeout(action) to make sure that action is executed after the component has been rendered, as setTimeout without specifying a delay, will run the function on the next event cycle. This is needed as per definition, the actions of an effect should be called after rendering of a component has finished.


With that, we finished the level on hooks, and you should now know how to use them, as well as how they work internally. Hooks are probably one of the most important concepts of React, that make it very powerful.

In the next level, we will look at how we can define our components using JSX, the syntax that is also used by React to define components.